Pescherecci in porto, olio su plastica, 6 x 3 millimetri - Fish-boats in harbour, oil, size 6 x 3 millimeters
Fish-boats in harbour, oil, size 6 x 3 millimeters
Fiori, olio su plastica, dimensioni 3,3 x 3,4 millimetri - Flowers, oil, size 3,3 x 3,4 millimeters
Flowers, oil, size 3,3 x 3,4 millimeters
Fiori, olio su plastica, dimensioni 6,8 x 8,7 millimetri - Flowers, oil, size 6,8 x 8,7 millimeters
Flowers, oil, size 6,8 x 8,7 millimeters
Natura morta con cipolle, olio su plastica, dimensioni 2,5 x 3 millimetri - Still-life, oil, size 2,5 x 3 millimeters
Still-life, oil, size 2,5 x 3 millimeters
Fiori, olio su plastica, dimensioni 6,7 x 7 millimetri - Flowers, oil, size 6,7 x 7 millimeters (repr. Van Gogh)
Flowers, oil, size 6,7 x 7 millimeters (repr. Van Gogh)
Paesaggio marino, olio su plastica, dimensioni 20 x 25 millimetri - Sea-landscape, oil, size 20 x 25 millimeters
Sea-landscape, oil, size 20 x 25 millimeters
Effetti cromatici alla Pilarella
Cromatic effects in my town oil on canvas,  20 x 30 cm.
One the smallest paintings in the world painted inside the cavity of a syringe needle
Stefano Busonero paints the smallest pictures in the world.

A short summary of the web-site:  In this website for painting, which is quite recent, it is my intention to let it grow every day and let it become my beloved Art-site, where I can  introduce all my emotions and where you can find all my principal works in  miniature, micro-paintings (which is not the correct name, they should be called microscopic paintings instead of micropaintings), all my nightmares  represented on a telephone card with two titles, ( the first one is general  for all” nightmare-paintings “, the second one can be noticed as directly  written on the painting which leads to the sensation I had during painting  them). The paintings are almost metaphysical. Many of these painted  nightmares represent every time different things and are in continuous  metamorphosis, as you will find out by yourself looking at them intensively. The eyes are the dominant part of these paintings and I call them confidentially ” My little ones” My friends, who are painters  themselves, very often do not understand these “strange” things and advise  me to switch over to paint figures, portraits, sea-landscapes or sea-views. The microscopic painting, which is executed inside the eye of a needle or the channel of an injection-needle, are considered by myself as really exclusive. The sea-views and landscapes represent always the Argentario and especially Porto St. Stefano. The micro paintings which have been showed several times on our national television-networks  gave me the possibility to be called the Micro-painter.

La riproduzione dei contenuti e grafica in questo sito web di Arte pittorica Musica e corso di chitarra, anche eseguita soltanto in parte, è vietata.

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