Stefano  Busonero

The works

His works are realised using the oil technique and, with regard to their size, they can be divided into three groups: miniatures, small miniatures and microscopic miniatures.

For what concerns the sizes here they are:
miniatures go from 30 x 30 mm. to 50 x 100 mm.
small miniatures go from 10 x 10 mm. to 30 x 30 mm.
microscopic miniatures go from 10 x 10 mm. to lesser sizes; in fact, one of them has a diameter of 0.25 mm. (a surface of 0,049 mmq), which is the smallest painting.

The execution technique is very particular. All the pigments are in oil colours; the paint-brushes – singly taken – are very thin bristles obtained after a very accurate selection from other brushes. The canvas on which he paints are generally plastic matter, more precisely the material the Telephonic cards are made with. But the artist very often paints inside tailor’s needles and on the point of syringes needles.

His works are detailed even in their minimum particulars just like in larger paintings.

The microscopic miniatures are so small that they can exclusively be observed by the help of a means of magnification such as lens, linen prover and, very often using a stereoscope.

His favourite subjects are marines, portraits, reproductions, as much exact as possible, of famous works painted by the most celebrated masters of the Impressionism.

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